IC221: Systems Programming (SP16)

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Lecture 02: Unix Familiarization and Command Line Tools

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1 Unix File System and Command Line Tools intro

1.1 File System Preliminaries

The file system is a way to organize data into files and directories for ease of access. A file system is hierarchal, which means that everything is arranged in order of rank, like your chain of command. We describe hierarchical structures like this as trees.


Consider the tree above. All trees are composed of three components, root, sub-roots, and leaves. The root of the tree is the top-ranked item, in the example above, this would be foo. Sub-roots are roots of smaller trees, but are not at the top, for example, bar is a sub-root. Leaves exists at the bottom, and do not have any sub-ranked items.

We also describe items as having parents and children. What makes an item a root is that it has no parent, like foo. A sub-root, can be defined as an item that has a parent and children; like bar, whose parent is foo and children are xyzzy and baz. The leaves are items that only have parents and no children, like garply and baz.

In a file system, we have terms for roots and sub roots. They are called folders or directories. A folder can contain folders and files, which is a child in the tree. A folder may also be a child in the tree if it contains no sub-folders or files.

A path in the file system hierarchy for a given file or folder describes the parents all the way up to the root. For example, the path of baz is /foo/bar/baz. We designate the parent-child relationship using the forward slash.

A path also provides a way to uniquely identify a file. Two files can have the same file name, but may not have the same path. For example, baz exists twice in the file system above, but they have two different paths: /foo/baz and /foo/bar/baz. Thus, they can be distinguished, but if the two files had the same path, that is, existed in the same directory, then they would not be distinguishable and an inconsistency would occur in the file system.

1.2 The UNIX File System

You are likely familiar with the Windows file system structure, which is organized into drives, like the "C" drive, and then items fall out from there. There can be many drives attached to the Windows file system, and you navigate under various drives by letter name.

On Unix, instead of having a "C" drive, everything begins at the root directory or /, and unlike windows, Unix uses forward slashes instead of backslash to designate different directories.


1.2.1 The Key Components of UNIX File System

The base UNIX file systems always has the same basic structure:

  • /: The root of the file system. All files and directories fall under this.
  • /usr: Stands for Unix System Resources. Contains system utilities.
  • /sbin: System binaries. Contains essential system administration programs that are generally run by the superuser (on Windows the superuser is called the Administrator).
  • /opt: Optional software. Third party software is usually installed here. It's kind of like the "Program Files" directory in Windows.
  • /etc: System configuration files. This is where things like the password file, and global system configuration files live.
  • /home: Contains the user home directories. Like the "Documents and Settings" folder in Windows.
  • /tmp: Temporary files. When the system reboots, these go away.
  • /kernel: The core operating system. Like the "Windows" folder in Windows.
  • /usr/lib: Contains precompiled libraries for use by everyone on the system. For instance, in this directory, you can find the file libstdc++.so.6, which is needed for C++ programs. (Remember linking from IC210?). This is a little bit like the folder containing all of the .DLL files in Windows.
  • Any directory that ends in bin: Contains binary executable files or links to them.

1.2.2 Home Directories

Each user on the UNIX file system has a /home directory in the /home folder.

  • My username is aviv, then my home directory is /home/aviv on my VM and /home/scs/aviv on a lab computer.
  • Your home directory will be some thing like /home/m18XXXXX on your VM or something like /home/mids/m18XXXX on a lab computer.
  • The ~ (tilda) is short hand for your home directory.
    • For example, if you use a path like ~/Downloads you are referring the Downloads folder in your home directory. The ~ is replaced by /home/m18XXXX automatically.
  • You can also refer to someone else home directory via the tilda, ~aviv refers to aviv's home directory, and ~m18xxxx may refer to your home directory.
    • For example, ~aviv/Dowloads refers to the downloads directory in user aviv's home directory and ~m18xxxx/Downloads refers to the downloads directory in user m18xxxx's home directory.

1.2.3 Unix Directory Paths

              +--- Root Directory
                 ^   ^    ^
Sub-Directory ---'---'    '-- Target

1.2.4 Parent and Current Directory

Every directory has two special sub-directory:

  • . : ("dot") The current directory
  • .. : ("dot-dot") The parent directory

Another way to interpret the dot and dot-dot is by replacing them with "current" and "parent". Consider the path below:


Reading it from left to right, you might say: "From the root, go to home directory, then to the aviv directory, then to the parent of aviv, then to m175678, the target." Here is another path:


The dot is replaced with current folder, and by stringing then together, it has no affect on the path. In the example above, all the dots refer to the current directory, aviv. Following the rest of the path, the dot-dot then refers to go to the parent directory, home, but that is followed by traversing back to the aviv directory. Then the dot means to stay put again, and then, finally, the target, foo.txt.


1.3 The Shell Preliminaries


The shell or terminal is the primary user interface for interacting with the operating system through text input. You have already used various shell's previously, like the Windows command terminal as well as the Unix shell. You compile C++ programs by typing a command, and then the shell tells the OS to execute those commands.

A shell is just another program running on the OS, like any other application. Most shells are the program, bash, which we will look at in detail later. What makes a shell special is that it is a program designed specifically to enable the user to launch other programs. In many ways, it is the primary user interface of the OS. Additionally, the shell and the OS on Unix provide a simple set of command line tools that enable you to navigate the file system, manipulate the file system by creating or deleting files/folders, read and parse files on the system, and monitor current running process and programs.

Today, we'll focus on the command line tools associated with the navigating and manipulating the file system. As we work through this class we will dive into the Unix system by emphasizing shell scripting and interacting with the Unix kernel through C system call API.

1.3.1 Current Working Directory

The shell has a notion of location, or current working directory or present working directory, that indicates where in the file system the shell is currently operating. When you first log into a computer, a shell is started for you set to your home directory as the current working directory. The shell can change the current working directory to view a different parts of the file system.

1.3.2 Navigating the file system

There are three important commands for navigating the file system via the shell:

  • cd path : Change the current directory to the one specified by path or go to your home directory if path is omitted
  • ls path : List the contents of the directory at that path or the current directory if path is omitted
  • pwd : Print to the screen your current working directory.

Here is a sample of using these commands to explore the file system:

aviv@zee:~$ pwd
aviv@zee:~$ ls
aviv-local@  class/      Downloads/  local/     Public/     test.c   VBox-Map/        #VM-notes.txt#
#.bashrc#    Desktop/    ic221/      Music/     Templates/  test.c~  Videos/          VM-notes.txt
bin/         Documents/  id_rsa.pub  Pictures/  test*       tmp/     VirtualBox VMs/  VM-notes.txt~
aviv@zee:~$ cd tmp/
aviv@zee:~/tmp$ ls
aviv@zee:~/tmp$ cd ..
aviv@zee:~$ ls ~blenk
ls: cannot open directory /home/scs/blenk: Permission denied
aviv@zee:~$ ls class/ic221/
hw/     lab/    submit/ 
aviv@zee:~$ ls class/ic221/hw

Note that the OS manages who can view what directories. When I tried to read someone elses home directory, I received a permission denied error.

aviv@zee: ~ $ ls ~m171110 
ls: cannot access /home/mids/m171110: No such file or directory

This is an example of another important role of the operating system to provide security services on a shared systems. With multiple users and programs running on the same hardware base, it is the responsibility of the OS to ensure that users and programs do not access information they should not as well as not interfere with the execution of programs.

1.3.3 Understanding a Shell Prompt:

All shells have a command prompt (or just "prompt"), which indicates to the user to provide input. The prompt, itself, also provides some useful information about the shell, including things like the current working directory, your user name, and the host you are working on.

Here is an example prompt:

     + User Name
     |        +--Current Working Directory
     |        |  
     V        V
            ^  ^  ^
Hostname-.__|  |  |_____.--- Where you enter commands
 The prompt----+

You can see this command prompt change as you navigate the file system:

aviv@zee:~$ cd tmp/
aviv@zee:~/tmp$ ls
aviv@zee:~/tmp$ cd ..

While your shell may have a slightly different command prompt, all the same information is likely there. You can also change your command prompt as you want, and we will provide examples of doing that in later lessons.

1.4 File System Command Line Tools

Throughout this class, we will make use of a lot of standard Unix command line tools. These tools are common to nearly all Unix platforms. Above, we introduced three tools for navigating the file system, now we will explore some more, as well as their options.

1.4.1 Disecting a Command Line Argument

Some terminology regarding command line tools in the shell

   +- Sell prompt, not included in the command
aviv@zee:~$ command arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
              ^      ^     ^    ^
              |      |_____|____|_____,-- The command arguments, 
              +-- The command, such as mv or cd

Most commands do not require arguments, but they are ways to provide a different set of information.

1.4.2 ls and it's arguments

First consider ls, which has a number of different options to display different listings of a directory.

  • ls path : list contents of directory at path
  • ls -l path : long list the contents of the directory at path, which includes permission, ownership, last edited, and file size.
  • ls -a path : list all contents of directory at path including hidden files that start with a ".", such as .bashrc
  • ls -al path : long list all contents of directory at path including hidden files
aviv@zee:~$ ls
aviv-local@  class/      Downloads/  local/     Public/     test.c   VBox-Map/        #VM-notes.txt#
#.bashrc#    Desktop/    ic221/      Music/     Templates/  test.c~  Videos/          VM-notes.txt
bin/         Documents/  id_rsa.pub  Pictures/  test*       tmp/     VirtualBox VMs/  VM-notes.txt~
aviv@zee:~$ ls -a
./              bin/        .dmrc         .gnome2/          .launchpadlib/  .pulse-cookie  Videos/
../             .cache/     Documents/    .gnome2_private/  .lesshst        .ssh/          VirtualBox VMs/
aviv-local@     class/      Downloads/    .gtk-bookmarks    local/          .tcshrc        #VM-notes.txt#
.bash_history   .compiz/    .emacs        .gvfs/            .local/         Templates/     VM-notes.txt
.bash_profile   .compiz-1/  .emacs~       .hplip/           .mozilla/       test*          VM-notes.txt~
.bash_profile~  .config/    .emacs.d/     ic221/            Music/          test.c         .vmware/
.bashrc         .cshrc      .fontconfig/  .ICEauthority     Pictures/       test.c~        .Xauthority
.bashrc~        .dbus/      .gconf/       id_rsa.pub        Public/         tmp/           .xsession-errors
#.bashrc#       Desktop/    .gksu.lock    .inputrc          .pulse/         VBox-Map/      .xsession-errors.old

Notice all the files that start with . that are now visible with the -a option, as well as . and ..

When using ls -l you get a lot of extra information.

aviv@saddleback: ~ $ ls -l 
total 484
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs  85816 May 27  2014 302.packages.dat
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs  14284 May 27  2014 302.packages.installed.dat
-rw------- 1 aviv scs  13524 Dec 23  2013 accesslog.gz
-rw------- 1 aviv scs 115373 Dec 23  2013 authlog.dat
lrwxrwxrwx 1 aviv scs     17 Nov  5  2013 aviv-local -> /local/aviv-local
drwxr-xr-x 2 aviv scs   4096 Dec 17 15:07 bin
drwxr-x--x 4 aviv scs   4096 Aug 18 11:10 class
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Dec 22  2013 Desktop
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Oct 17  2013 Documents
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Dec 22  2013 Downloads
drwxr-x--- 3 aviv scs   4096 Oct 23 11:42 etector
drwxr-xr-x 2 aviv scs   4096 Apr 22  2014 final-practicum
drwx------ 3 aviv scs   4096 Dec 23  2013 git
drwxr-xr-x 4 aviv scs   4096 Feb 12  2014 GNUstep
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs    396 Mar 23  2014 guineapig.id_rsa.pub
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs    366 Feb 26  2014 helloworld.c
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs    358 Feb 26  2014 helloworld.c~
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs  32109 Apr 10  2014 lab.html
drwx--x--x 4 aviv scs   4096 Dec 24  2013 local
drwxr-x--- 3 aviv scs   4096 Apr 23  2014 Mail
-rw------- 1 aviv scs    185 Jan 16  2014 most_recent_sub.sh
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Oct 17  2013 Music
drwxr-x--- 4 aviv scs   4096 Dec 17 15:06 old-ic221
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs      0 Mar 19  2014 output.txt
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Dec 22  2013 Pictures
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Jan  7  2014 Public
drwxr-xr-x 4 aviv scs   4096 Nov 14 11:05 public_html
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs  85938 May 27  2014 saddleback.packages.dat
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs  14213 May 27  2014 saddleback.packages.installed.dat
drwxr-x--- 4 aviv scs   4096 Aug 18 10:51 si221
drwxr-x--- 5 aviv scs   4096 May 27  2014 svn
-rw-r----- 1 aviv scs   4530 Dec 23  2013 syslog.dat
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Oct 17  2013 Templates
drwx--x--x 4 aviv scs   4096 Dec 29 10:38 tmp
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Nov 11  2013 VBox-Map
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Oct 17  2013 Videos
drwx--x--x 2 aviv scs   4096 Nov  5  2013 VirtualBox VMs
-rw-r--r-- 1 aviv scs    465 Nov  8  2013 VM-notes.txt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 aviv scs     12 Jan  9  2014 web -> public_html/

We can interpret this information as:

.- Directory?
|    .-------Permissions                   .- Directory Name
| ___|___     .----- Owner                 |
v/       \    V     ,---- Group            V
drwxr-x--x 4 aviv scs 4096 Dec 17 15:14 ic221
-rw------- 1 aviv scs 400  Dec 19  2013 .ssh/id_rsa.pub
                       ^   \__________/    ^   
File Size -------------'       |           '- File Name
  in bytes                     |              
   Last Modified --------------' 

On your own: Try using the following variants of the ls command:

  • ls -h
  • ls -k
  • ls *

You may also notice some other kinds of files, for example:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 aviv scs     12 Jan  9  2014 web -> public_html/

This is a symbolic link, notice the l in the prefix. We'll discuss these later in the semester. For now, understand this a lot like a shortcut, web is a shortcut for the directory pubic_html/.

1.4.3 File System Manipulation Commands

So far, we've looked at commands for navigating the file system, now we are going to look at commands that can manipulate the file system. The most basic actions for file system manipulation and their corresponding commands are:

  • cp from to : Copy a file/directory from path from to path to
  • mv from to : Move a file/directory from path from to path to, also used to change the name of a file/directory
  • rm path : Remove a file from path
  • mkdir path : Make a directory at path
  • touch path : Create an empty file at path

Let's look at a demo of doing this

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ mkdir NewDir               <--- Create a new directory
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls                         <--- Show it was created

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ cd NewDir/                 <--- Change into that directory
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ ls                  <--- List contents, it's empty
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ touch foo.txt       <--- Create an empty file foo.txt
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ cp foo.txt baz.txt  <--- Copy foo.txt to baz.txt
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ ls                  <--- List contents of directry with foo.txt and baz.txt
baz.txt  foo.txt                  

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ mv baz.txt ..       <--- Move baz.txt to parent directory
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ ls                  <--- List contents of directory, no baz.txt

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo/NewDir$ cd ..               <--- Change to partent directory
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls                         <--- List contents, show baz.txt and NewDir
baz.txt  NewDir/                

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ rm baz.txt                 <--- Remove baz.txt
rm: remove regular empty file `baz.txt'? y              <--- confirm it's removal
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ rm NewDir/foo.txt          <--- Remove foo.txt by using a path to it 

rm: remove regular empty file `NewDir/foo.txt'? y       <--- confirm it's removal
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ rm NewDir/                 <--- Remove the direcotry
rm: cannot remove `NewDir/': Is a directory             <--- FAIL!

1.4.4 Handling Directories and Recursive (-r) Option

Note that rm cannot directly remove a directory, instead you have to use a special form of remove, the rmdir command.

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ rmdir NewDir/
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls

However, you cannot rmdir if there is contents in the directory

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ mkdir NewDir
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ touch NewDir/foo.txt
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ rmdir NewDir/
rmdir: failed to remove `NewDir/': Directory not empty

There is an option to remove, -r, which stands for recursive, that will recursively remove a directory and its contents.

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ rm -r NewDir/
rm: descend into directory `NewDir/'? y
rm: remove regular empty file `NewDir/foo.txt'? y
rm: remove directory `NewDir'? y
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls

Similar issues occur when you are trying to copy a directory with cp, you need to specify the recursive option "-r". As you can see from the demo below, this also copies the entire contents of the directory.

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ mkdir NewDir
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ touch NewDir/foo.txt
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ cp NewDir/ CopyDir
cp: omitting directory `NewDir/'
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ cp -r NewDir/ CopyDir
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls
CopyDir/  NewDir/
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls CopyDir/

The move command does not require a recursive option when interacting with directories.

aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls
CopyDir/  NewDir/
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ mv NewDir/ CopyDir/
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls CopyDir/
foo.txt  NewDir/
aviv@zee:~/class/ic221/demo$ ls CopyDir/NewDir/

1.5 Where Commands "Live"

Now you are more familiar with navigating and manipulating the Linux file system, let's return to the basic structure of the Linux root file system.


When you type the command ls or rm these commands are really program binaries that have to exist somewhere in the file system. Since these are binaries, by convention they exist in a directory that ends in bin. The way the shell finds these commands is by searching through a sequence of bin folders until it finds it.

The search path for binaries is called the $PATH or just path. You can display your current path using the echo command, which just prints to the screen.

aviv@zee:~$ echo $PATH

So when you type a command like ls, the shell looks in each of the folders for a program named ls to run. It happens that ls exists in the base /bin folder, which means you can run it in shorthand and using its full path:

aviv@zee:~$ ls
aviv-local@  class/      Downloads/  local/     Public/     test.c   VBox-Map/        #VM-notes.txt#
#.bashrc#    Desktop/    ic221/      Music/     Templates/  test.c~  Videos/          VM-notes.txt
bin/         Documents/  id_rsa.pub  Pictures/  test*       tmp/     VirtualBox VMs/  VM-notes.txt~
aviv@zee:~$ /bin/ls
aviv-local  class      Downloads   local     Public	test.c	 VBox-Map	 #VM-notes.txt#
#.bashrc#   Desktop    ic221	   Music     Templates	test.c~  Videos		 VM-notes.txt
bin	    Documents  id_rsa.pub  Pictures  test	tmp	 VirtualBox VMs  VM-notes.txt~

1.5.1 The which command

Unix provides a command line utility for finding where a command lives, the which command.

aviv@zee:~$ which ls
aviv@zee:~$ which rm
aviv@zee:~$ which which

Most basic commands that are part of the Base system are in /bin but user system resources (usr) command line tools exist in /usr/bin, like which itself. What other commands have we looked at is in /usr/bin?