Worksheet 01: Risk and Threat Modeling | Computer Security (Fall 2024)
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Worksheet 01: Risk and Threat Modeling

Worksheets are self-guided activities that reinforce lectures. They are not graded for accuracy, only for completion. Worksheets are due by the start of the next lecture via Blackboard link as a single pdf document. Be sure to properly label each question.


  1. How would you define computer security?

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  2. Which of the six, high-level computer security goals matches the following description: the property of data, software or hardware remaining unaltered.

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  3. Consider a voting system, like in the US election. Define how each of the six, high-level computer security principles apply to a voting system.

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  4. What is the difference between anonymity and confidentiality/privacy? Can you provide an example of where each might apply to a system?

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  5. Using the terminology of computer security policies and attacks (see Chapter 1.2 in the book), consider the security policy for access to a dorm on campus. Your description should use terms like, assets, security policy, security requirements, secure, non-secure, violated, attack, security violation, controls, countermeasure, denial of service, etc.

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  6. Consider the risk equation \(R = T \cdot V \cdot C\), what do each of the variables in the equation mean.

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  7. Explain how the risk equation can be rewritten as \(R = P \cdot C\)

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  8. What does the acronym DREAD stand for?

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  9. Apply DREAD, where each category is rated on a 10 point scale (10 highest risk, 1 lowest), where an attacker is trying to attack a hardened combination lock on a vault door that is protecting a single family’s jewels. Justify each of the ratings you apply and calculate the final risk analysis.

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  10. For the above scenario of the family jewels, create an attack tree

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  11. Define the parts of the acronym STRIDE

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  12. Which of the design principles has the following property: The design does not reply on obfuscation or secrets for it security.

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  13. Provide an example using the Jewelry safe from above to apply the principle of Least-Privilege.

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  14. Read the following Wikipedia article about the Sony hack in 2014 and review Chapter 1.8 in the book for why computer security is hard. Choose three of the items from the list of 20 and describe how they made computer security hard in preventing this incident.

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