Image of Adam J. Aviv

Adam J. Aviv

Associate Professor of Computer Science
The George Washington University

SEH 5810

About Me

I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the George Washington University. I have broad research interests, primarily in the area of computer security/cybersecurity, privacy, and usable security. I am the lead for the George Washington University/Usable Security and Privacy Lab (gwusec). If you are interested in joining the lab or collaborating on research, more information can be found there.

Office Hours Fall 2024

Mondays 10:30am-12:00pm, or send me an email to schedule a time.

Am I listed as your MS Academic Advisor?

I am happy to help, but before sending me an email or scheduling a meeting, please check the CS MS Advising FAQ

Interested in having me as a mentor for your PhD?

Yes! I am looking to accept one (or more) new PhD student to start in September 2024. If you are interested in applying, feel free to send me a short email with your research interests and background. Please ensure that your interests overlap with my research interests in usable security/privacy. I may not reply --- please do not take it personally as I get a lot of email -- but I promise to read your email.

Undergrad or masters student at GW interested in research?

Yes! I am always looking for motivated undergraduates and masters students at GW to do research. Shoot me an email, and I will do my best to follow up.


  • 2024 News
    • Good News (Oct 2024) We have two accepted papers at SP 2025
      • Collins W. Munyendo, Kentrell Owens, Faith Strong, Shaoqi Wang, Adam J. Aviv, Tadayoshi Kohno and Franziska Roesner. "You Have to Ignore the Dangers": User Perceptions of the Security and Privacy Benefits of WhatsApp Mods. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP'25). May 2025.
      • Elisa Shioji, Ani Meliksetyan, Lucy Simko, Ryan Watkins, Adam J. Aviv and Shaanan Cohney. It's been lovely watching you'': Institutional Decision-Making on Online Proctoring Software. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP'25). May 2025.
    • Good News (Aug 2024) We have an accepted papers at EuroUSEC 2045
      • Elena Korkes, Collins W. Munyendo, Alvin Isaac, Victoria Hennemann and Adam J. Aviv. "I'm going to try her birthday": Investigating How Friends Guess Each Other's Smartphone Unlock PINs in the Lab. 2024 European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC'24). October 2024.
    • Good News (July 2024) We have two accepted papers at CCS 2024
      • Wentao Guo, Aditya Kishore, Adam J. Aviv, and Michelle L. Mazurek. A Qualitative Analysis of Practical De-identification Guides. The ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS). 2024
      • Lucy Simko, Adryana Hutchinson, Alvin Isaac, Evan Fries, Micah Sher, and Adam J. Aviv "Modern problems require modern solutions": Community-Developed Techniques for Online Exam Proctoring Evasion. The ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS). 2024
    • Good News (July 2024) We have an accepted paper at TOCHI
      • Yixin Zou, Khue Le, Peter Mayer, Alessandro Acquisti, Adam J. Aviv, and Florain Schaub. Nudging Users to Change Breached Passwords Using the Protection Motivation Theory. To appear in Transactions on Computer Human Interaction.
    • Bad News (July 2024) One paper early rejected from IMC 2024
    • Good News (May 2024) We have an accepted paper at SOUPS 2024
      • David G. Balash, Mir Masood Ali, Chris Kanich and Adam J. Aviv. "I would not install an app with this label": Privacy Label Impact on Risk Perception and Willingness to Install iOS Apps. Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy. 2024.
    • Good News (May 2024) We have an accepted paper at the Workshop on Accessible Security & Privacy (WASP 2024)
      • Mindy Tran, Xinru Tang, Adryana Hutchinson, Adam J. Aviv, and Yixin Zou. Position Paper: Exploring Security and Privacy Needs of d/Deaf Individuals. First Workshop on Accessible Security & Privacy (WASP). 2024.
    • Bad News (May 2024) One paper rejected from SOUPS
    • Bad News (May 2024) One paper rejected from USENIX
    • Good News (May 2024) We have an accepted paper at PoPETS 2024
      • Mir Masood Ali, David G. Balash, Monica Kodwani, Chris Kanich, and Adam J. Aviv. Honesty is the Best Policy: On the Accuracy of Apple Privacy Labels Compared to Apps' Privacy Policies. To appear in the Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. 2024.
    • Good News (Mar 2024) We have an accepted paper at CHI's Late Breaking Work as an extended asbtract
      • Adryana Hutchinson, Collins W. Munyendo, Peter Mayer, and Adam J. Aviv. An Analysis of Password Managers' Password Checkup Tools. ACM CHI Extend Abstracts '2024.
    • Bad News (Mar 2024) One paper rejected from IEEE S&P
    • Good News (Jan 2024) We have an accepted talk at PrivacyCon 2024 for our paper
      • Peter Mayer, Yixin Zou, Bryon M. Lowens, Hunter A. Dyer, Khue Lee, Florian Schaub, and Adam J. Aviv. Awareness, Intention, (In)Action: Individuals' Reactions to Data Breaches.
    • Bad News (Jan 2024) One paper rejected from USENIX
    • Good News (Jan 2024) One paper accepted to USEC 2024
      • Adryana Hutchinson, Jinwei Tang, Adam J. Aviv, and Peter Story. Measuring the Prevalence of Password Manager Issues Using In-Situ Experiments. Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC) 2024.
  • 2023 News
    • Good News (Dec 2023) One paper accepted at PoPETS 2024
      • Florian M. Farke, David G. Balash, Maximilian Golla and Adam J. Aviv. How Does Connecting Online Activities to Advertising Inferences Impact Privacy Perceptions?. To appear in the Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. 2024.
    • Good News (Oct 2023) One poster accepted to CCS
      • David G. Balash, Mir Masood Ali, Monica Kodwani, Xiaoyuan Wu, Chris Kanich, and Adam J. Aviv. 2023. Poster: Longitudinal Measurement of the Adoption Dynamics in Apple's Privacy Label Ecosystem. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '23). (pdf)
    • Bad News (Oct 2023) One paper major-revision and then withdrawn from CSCW
    • Bad News (Oct 2023) One proposal rejected from Google
    • Good News (July 2023) One paper accepted at EuroUSEC 2023
      • Daniel V. Bailey,Collins W. Munyendo,Hunter A. Dyer, Miles Grant, Philipp Markert,and Adam J. Aviv. ”Someone Definitely Used 0000”: Strategies, Performance, and User Perception of Novice Smartphone-Unlock PIN-Guessers. The 2023 European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC’23). Oct 2023.
    • Good News (July 2023) One paper paper accepted at CCS 2023
      • Collins W. Munyendo, Peter Mayer, and Adam J. Aviv. “I just stopped using one and started using the other”: Motivations, Techniques, and Challenges When Switching Password Managers. Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’23). ACM. Nov 2023.
    • Bad News (July 2023) One paper early rejected from USENIX Security 2024
    • Bad News (July 2023) One grant proposal rejected
    • Good News (June 2023) New paper accepted at CSET'23
      • Harel Berger, Adam J. Aviv, and Micah Sher. Cadence: A Simulator for Human Movement-based Communication Protocols. Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET’23). May 2023.
    • Bad News (June 2023) One paper early rejected from CCS 2023
    • Bad News (June 2023) One paper rejected from USENIX Security 2023
    • Good News (May 2023) Our paper on cyber cafes in Keny with Collins Munyendo and Yasemin Acar won distinguished paper award at IEEE Security and Privacy Sympoisum
    • Good News (May 2023) New NSF Awards
      • Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Small: Measuring, Validating and Improving upon App-Based Privacy Nutrition Labels is a new three year aard to study privacy labels, along with my collaborators Chris Kanich and Serge Egelman
      • Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society (TRAILS) is a new institute charted for five-years to study society issues around AI. Participating as Senior Personel (SP) with Hal Daume PI, and Co-PIs Susan Aarons, David Broniatowski, Katherine Shilton, and Thomas Goldstein.
    • Bad News (Mar 2023) One paper early rejected from SOUPS 2023
    • Good News (Mar 2023) New paper acceptd to IEEE Security & Privacy '23 (Oakland)
      • Collins Munyendo, Yasemin Acar, and Adam J. Aviv. "In Eighty Percent of the Cases, I Select the Password for Them": Security and Privacy Challenges, Advice, and Opportunities at Cybercafes in Kenya To appear at the IEEE Security and Privacy Smposium (IEEE SP23). May. 2023.
    • Bad News (Mar 2023) Two papers rejected from IEEE S&P 2023
    • Bad News (Feb 2023) Fulbright Scholar application denied
    • Good News (Feb 2023) New paper acceptd to USENIX Security 2023
      • David G. Balash, Rahel A. Fainchtein, Elena Korkes, Miles Grant, Micah Sherr, and Adam J. Aviv. Educators’ Perspectives of Using (or Not Using) Online Exam Proctoring. To appear at the 34th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Sec23). Aug. 2023.
    • Bad News (Feb 2023) Paper rejected from EuroS&P
    • Good News (Jan 2023) New journal article accepted to ToCHI
      • Peter Mayer, Yixin Zou, Bryon M. Lowens, Hunter A. Dyer, Khue Lee, Florian Schaub, and Adam J. Aviv. Awareness, Intention, (In)Action: Individuals' Reactions to Data Breaches. To appear in ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
  • 2022 News -- Starting in 2022, I include both good and bad news.
    • Good News (Dec 2022) Proposal to organize the 2023 NSF SaTC Aspring PI Workshop was funded by NSF
      • The event will bring together aspiring PIs int he SaTC program to learn more about the SaTC program and how to write a successfully proposal.
    • Good News (Nov 2022) One proposal accepted by Google in the ASPIRE program
      • Measuring the Evolution and Migration of Android Malware with Gianluca Stringhini at Boston University
    • Bad News (Nov 2022) One proposal rejected from Google
    • Bad News (Oct 2022) One paper rejected from NDSS 2023
    • Good News (Oct 2022) Two papers accessed from ACSAC 2022
      • Rahel A. Fainchtein, Adam J. Aviv, and Micah Sherr. User Perceptions of the Privacy and Usability of Smart DNS. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. (ACSAC'22). 2022
      • Xiaoyuan Wu, Collins W. Munyendo, Eddie Cosic, Genevieve A. Flynn, Olivia Legault, and Adam J. Aviv. User Perceptions of Five-Word Passwords. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. (ACSAC'22). 2022
    • Good News (Sep 2022) New NSF (CICI) grant awarded on Supporting Scientists as End-Users in Managing Security and Privacy
    • Bad News (Aug 2022) One papers early rejected from ACSAC 2022
    • Bad News (July 2022) One papers early rejected from IMC 2022
    • Good News (May 2022) A new paper accepted to USENIX Security 2022
      • Peter Mayer, Collins Munyendo, Michelle L. Mazurek, and Adam J. Aviv. Why Users (Don't) Use Password Managers at a Large Educational Institution. USENIX Security Symposium (Sec'22). Aug, 2022.
    • Bad News (May 2022) Two papers rejected from SOUPS 2022
    • Bad News (April 2022) NSF Grant Declined (SaTC Frontier)
    • Good News (April 2022) A new paper accepted to IEEE Security and Privacy 2022
      • Collins Munyendo, Yasemin Acar, and Adam J. Aviv. "Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures:" User Concerns with Mobile Loan Apps in Kenya. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy - Oakland’22. May, 2022
    • Bad News (April 2022) NSF Grant Declined (SaTC Small)
    • Good News (April 2022) New NSF Grant Awarded
      • NSF SaTC EDU: Security and Privacy Implications of Remote Proctoring for School Policies and Practices
      • With Mich Sherr (Georgetown) and Ryan Watkins
    • Good News (Feb 2022) A new paper accepted to USENIX Security 2022
      • Collins W. Munyendo, Philipp Markert, Alexandra Nisenoff, Miles Grant, Elena Korkes, Blase Ur, and Adam J. Aviv. "The Same PIN, Just Longer": On the (In)Security of Upgrading PINs from 4 to 6 Digits. USENIX Security Symposium (Sec'22). Aug, 2022.
  • 2021 News (click to reveal)
  • 2020 News (click to reveal)
  • 2019 News (click to reveal)