IC312: Data Structures (FA17)

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HW 3: Recursive Linked List


You can find the solution here


In this homework, you are will write programs using recursion over linked lists. The goal is to familiarize yourself with recursion, which will become ever more important in later data structures.

Due Date

This homework is due Wednesday, September 6th at 2359


This assignment is graded out of 100 points.

  • 80 points: 20 points each for max(), duplicate(), remove(), and toStringReverse()
  • 20 points : proper recursive implementations

Submission and Starter Code

All starter code for this homework can be obtained via the ~aviv/bin/ic312-up and submission will occur via ~aviv/bin/ic312-submit.

You must submit the following file(s):

  • LinkedList.java
  • README : containing any attribution or notes for grading, plus feedback quetions.
  • Any testing files you'd like us to look at and consider during grading.


In this assignment, you will be provided with a basic LinkedList implementation of the List interface we used in HW 1. You get all that code for free, and you should review it because it can be a guide for completing this assignment. One item of note is that the generic types for our LinkedList requires that the type stored implements the Comparable interface.

import ic312.List;

// This fancy generic says that the LinkedList must store elelents whose
// type T is comparable to other elements at type T
//                              |
//                       .______|____________.
//                      /                     \
public class LinkedList<T extends Comparable<T> > implements List<T>{

If you are unfamiliar with the Comparable interface, read the documentation online.


Your task for this homework is to complete the following additional methods. To receive full credit, you must use recursion, and your routine must be \(O(n)\).

 * Return the maximum element in the list using compareTo() method
 * of Comparable
 * @return maximum element of the list
public T max(){
    //TODO: complete this method recursively (maybe need a helper?)
    return null;

 * Remove all elements that match e using the equal() operator
 * to determine a match
 * @param e The element that should be removed
public void remove(T e){
    //TODO: complete this method recursively (maybe need a helper?)

 * Duplicate each element of the list
 * For example, the list [ 0 1 2 ] duplicated becomes [ 0 0 1 1 2 2 ]
public void duplicate(){
    //TODO: complete this method recursively (maybe need a helper?)

 * Return a string representation of the list with elements in revese order.
 * For example, for a list l of strings with the follwing sequence of operations
 *  l.add(0,"a");
 *  l.add(1,"b");
 * toString() ->  "[ a b ]"
 * toStringReverse() - >  "[ b a ]"
 * @return the string representation of the items in reverse
public String toStringReverse(){
    //TODO: complete this method recursively (maybe need a helper?)
    return "";

If you're not comfortable with recursion, do not sit on this assignment. Get started right away so you can ask questions.

To help you're testing and development, the LinkedList file contains a main() method with some simple tests. Note that I will test your program on many, many, many more tests then these, so feel free to expand these tests well beyond the ones I provided. For example, perhaps using Integer objects could help with testing some things?