IC221: Systems Programming (SP17)

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Lab 9: Signal Handling and Process State

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In this lab you will complete a set of C programs that will expose you to the set of system calls that are used in shell pipelines, such as process grouping, pipes, and filed descriptor duplication. There are 2 tasks, and you will likely complete neither of the tasks in lab, You will need to finish the remaining asks outside of the lab period.

Lab Learning Goals

In this lab, you will learn the following topics and practice C programming skills.

  1. Using signal handlers, signal() and sigaction()
  2. Scheduling alarm signals with alarm()
  3. Using siginfo_t when handling SIGCHLD

Lab Setup

Run the following command


Change into the lab directory

cd ~/ic221/lab/09

All the material you need to complete the lab can be found in the lab directory. All material you will submit, you should place within the lab directory. Throughout this lab, we refer to the lab directory, which you should interpret as the above path.

Submission Folder

For this lab, all ubmission should be placed in the following folder:


Compiling your programs with gcc and make

You are not required to provide your own Makefiles for this lab. One is provided for you.


In the top level of the lab directory, you will find a README file. You must fill out the README file with your name and alpha. Please include a short summary of each of the tasks and any other information you want to provide to the instructor.

Test Script

You are provided a test script which prints pass/fail information for a set of tests for your programs. Note that passing all the tests does not mean you will receive a perfect score: other tests will be performed on your submission. To run the test script, execute test.sh from the lab directory.


You can comment out individual tests while working on different parts of the lab. Open up the test script and place comments at the bottom where appropriate.

PART 1: Shredder: Alarm Management (40 Points)

In this part of the lab you will develop a program that will time the execution of a child process using alarm() and signal handling. Your program will execute a program specified on the command line and schedule SIGALRM to occur ever 1 seconds. Dependent on how many alarms are set off, different information will print to the screen, and if too many alarms are set off, the program will terminate.

Change into the shredder directory in the lab directory. In there, you will find the source file shredder.c. which you will complete. Your shredder program most meet the following specification:

  1. It must use alarm() and SIGALARM signal handling to count the number of seconds the child process runs.
  2. If the child runs for more than 5 seconds, it must terminate it with a SIGKILL signal.
  3. It must print out different information about the termination state of the child dependent on how long the child ran for.
  4. It must print "tick-tock" for each SIGALRM

If the child ran for < 3 seconds, your program should print:

Blast that grotesque ganglion! You let them get away!

If the child ran for >= 3 seconds, your program should print:

Sayonara you shell-backed simpletons. I'll get you next time!

If the child was terminated because it ran >= 5 seconds:

Tonight I dine on turtle soup! Muhaha!

Below, is some sample runs of the program to compare against.

#> ./shredder ls
Makefile  shredder  shredder.c
Blast that grotesque ganglion! You let them get away!
#> ./shredder sleep 2
1: tick-tock
2: tick-tock
Blast that grotesque ganglion! You let them get away!
#> ./shredder sleep 4
1: tick-tock
2: tick-tock
3: tick-tock
4: tick-tock
Sayonara you shell-backed simpletons. I'll get you next time!
#> ./shredder sleep 5
1: tick-tock
2: tick-tock
3: tick-tock
4: tick-tock
5: tick-tock
Tonight I dine on turtle soup! Muhaha!
#> ./shredder cat
1: tick-tock
2: tick-tock
3: tick-tock
4: tick-tock
5: tick-tock
Tonight I dine on turtle soup! Muhaha!
#> ./shredder BAD_FILE
execvp: No such file or directory
Blast that grotesque ganglion! You let them get away!

PART 2: Password/Hash Cracking (60 Points)

In this part of the lab, we will leverage multi-processing and signals to crack a hash, like password cracking. Fortunately, the hashes we will crack are pretty short (3 bytes) , and the passwords are too (4 characters). The big idea is that doing this with one process is slow, but if we can divide the work amongst many processes than it can be fast. The challenge is managing the inter-process communication, and for that, we use signals and children states.


In the collision directory, you'll find a program called hash (which you can compile by typing make). This program is good for testing, and will hash a password provided on the command line.

$ ./hash navy

The result is the hash, which is a sequence is in hex, 6 hex digits, or 3 bytes. Assuming you only had the hash, the challenge is finding the password, e.g., "navy" or another 4 letter word that hashes to the same value, a so called collision.

Cracking Hashes

The routine for cracking a hash involves finding all the colliding ASCII printable passwords that hash to the same value. Even with a small password and small hash, this can take a long time to do, so we are going to divide the problem up amongst a set of child/worker processes.

To divide the work, each child will be assigned a first letter of a password to start with. The child will then exhaust the space of possible passwords starting with that letter. If a collision is found, it will signal the parent to print the password out. Once the child/worker has finished searching the space of passwords that begin with that first letter, it will stop and wait for the parent to send it another letter to try. The parent, meanwhile, will monitor the states of the children, and keep track of which first letters have been searched and which have not. Once all the first letters of passwords are exhausted, the parent will kill the children and exit itself.

Inter-Process Communication via Signals

There will be two forms of inter-process communication. First, each child will share a pipe with the parent. The pipe will be used to communicate the hash to be cracked as well as which first letter to start the cracking attempt on.

The second form of inter-process communication will be in the form of signaling. You will need to establish a signal handler in the parent for SIGUSR1 as the children will send that signal when it has found a password and written that password to the pipe. In the handler, the parent should read the password and print it out. In this way, it will never be the case that the parent gets blocked reading on the pipe when there is nothing to read.

Unfortunately, the signal() system call is not powerful enough to make this work because you will need to know which of the children sent the signal so that the parent reads from the correct pipe. To gain that information, you have to use the more powerful sigaction() system call to establish the handler. Read the manual page carefully for this, and you should consider using the SA_INFO and SA_RESTART flags to make this work. For example:

struct sigaction act;
 act.sa_sigaction = handler; //the handler to use for the signal
 act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO; //the flags
 sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL); //establish a signal handler for SIGUSR1

The handler function for the parent can be quite simple because the SIGUSR1 signal is only delivered when the child finds a hash collision. The only thing for the parent to do is to (a) determine which child sent the signal and (b) read from the appropriate pipe to print the password.

Unlike signal(), the prototype of the function expected for the signal handler by sigaction (if using the sa_sigaction option) is slight different.

void handler(int signum, siginfo_t * info, void * context);

The signum is the signal that was delivered such that the handler was invoked. The info is a pointer to a structure that contains information about how the signal was delivered, including which process sent the signal, info->si_pid. The context is used to manage the asynchronous execution stack, but you can ignore this variable

Child State Changing

There also exists a second form of signaling. When the child has exhausted the search space for the first letter, it will raise(SIGSTOP) which will change the state of the child process. This functionality, and The parent can wait on such a state change, and when it happens, either write the next start letter to the pipe for that child then wake the child with SIGCONT, or kill the child if there are no more first letters to try with SIGKILL.

To get child state change information for stopped, you will need to use waitpid() system call with the WUNTRACED option.

cpid = waitpid(0,&status,WUNTRACED); // returns the pid of a child if
                                     // it was terminated OR stopped

Additionally, you will need to check the exist status to ensure that the state change of the child occurred due to being stopped and not because the parent killed it.

WIFSTOPPED(status) //returns true state change of child was STOPPED

If it was stopped, the search space for the first letter was exhausted, but it may also have been killed by the parent if there is no more work, generally, to do.

Change into the collisions directory. You'll find the program collide.c that you must complete (there are many comments in the code to help you). You will also find hash.c which you can use to check your results. For example, you can find all the collisions with "navy" like so:

aviv@saddleback: collisions $ ./hash navy
aviv@saddleback: collisions $ ./collide $(./hash navy)
aviv@saddleback: collisions $ ./hash "RjwY"

It should also be relatively quick:

aviv@saddleback: collisions $ time ./collide $(./hash navy) > /dev/null

real  0m7.763s
user  0m30.656s
sys   0m0.000s

If it is running significantly longer than 30(s) in user time, you've probably got something wrong.