IC221: Systems Programming (SP17)

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HW 4: C Programming II


  • You must turn in a sheet of paper that is neatly typed or written answering the questions below. (You are strongly encouraged to type your homework.)

    You can use the following tex file to get started with preparing your homework.

  • This homework is graded out of 110 points. Point values are associated to each question.


  1. (10 points) Complete the program below such that the program produces the expected output.

    struct pair{
      int left;
      int right;
    int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
      struct pair p;
      struct pair *q;
      q = &p;
      //printing the pair using p and q?
      printf("p: (%d,%d)\n", /* What goes here? */ );
      printf("q: (%d,%d)\n", /* What goes here? */);
  2. (10 points) Convert the following string deceleration into a similar array deceleration.

    char s1[] = "Beat Army!";
    char s2[] = { /* what goes here? */ };
  3. (10 points) What is the output of running the following code snippet below?

    char s[] = "Beat Army\0Crash Airforce\0";
    printf("1: %s\n",s);
    printf("2: %s\n",s+17);
  4. (10 points) Complete the program below to copy str1 to str2.

    int main(){
      char s1[] = "I love IC221!";
      char s2[/*?*/];
      for( /* ????  */){
        /* ????? */
  5. (10 points) Look up the following string library functions using the man page for string.h and provide a short description of each:
    1. strcpy()
    2. strncpy()
    3. strcat()
    4. strfry()
    5. strchr()
  6. (10 points) Consider the following program, what is its output? Provide a short memory diagram to explain.

    int main(){
      int darray[][4] = {{1, 9, 8, 4},
                         {1, 8, 9, 4},
                         {2, 0, 1, 7},
                         {3, 4, 5, 8}};
      int * p = &(darray[1]);
      printf("%d\n", p[2]);
  7. (10 points) Explain why the following type declaration for an array of strings is actually a double array?

    char * string[];
  8. (10 points) Complete the following memory diagram for the argv[] array for the following command execution:

    $ ./cmd go navy
    argv -->  | .-+--> "./cmd"
              | . |
  9. (10 points) Explain why the following for loop iterates over the argv array. (Yes, you should run this program if it helps your understand!)

    int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
      char ** curarg;
      int i=0;
      for( curarg=argv; *curarg ; curarg++){
        printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i++, *curarg);
  10. (20 points) Complete the program below that checks if each of the command line arguments is a number using sscanf():

    int main( int argc, char *argv[]){
    char ** curarg;
    int i=0;
     for( curarg=argv; *curarg ; curarg++){
       //use sscanf() to perform a number/integer check
       if(/*check passes*/)
         printf("argv[%d] = %s (is a number!)\n", i++, *curarg);
         printf("argv[%d] = %s (is *NOT* a number!)\n", i++, *curarg);